Saturday, February 27, 2010

Half Way Point

After briefly shutting down to deal with a computer melt down problem, I am back working hard on the project.

This coming week, my final documentation is due for my research paper and for my project outline. I am also going to try to have a very very VERY rough cut of the project together for my documentary class on Wednesday. So, for the next few days, I am all about digging through transcripts, organizing script lines for my actors, and trying to piece the project together in a fashion that will start to make sense and deliver the right message. I am also in the process of finding higher quality video files of more notable media and political personalities for the final piece.

I will probably take a few days over my upcoming break to relax and then use the rest of the time to get as much work a possible done.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Midterm Spring Project Update

The project has grown in various ways.

The script is now comprised of various snipits taken from news that aired between December 2009 and February 2010. That includes a variety of different topics that help illustrate my main thesis...which again is "The media is owned by for-profit and therefore serves the interests of shareholders and not the citizens of this democracy." I'm trying to find stories that reflect on the idea of ownership. I've also come across stories about inaccuracies, media harshness and many quotes from America citizens complaining that their voices haven't been heard.

My next step is to write these story quotes on notecards, and start arranging them into sentences that illustrate my main point. The final piece will be a video collage/montage that splices my self created news segments with real news segments to encourage people to really question what they see on tv. I'm looking around for various places to find my video segements including: youtube, fox, nbc, and vimeo.

The finalized style is now complete and can be viewed here:

Medianoia Style - Youtube

I currently have five actors for my project, which I have already filmed and given roles to two. Both filming sessions took about 4 hours to complete (2 to set up and 2 to film). I'm hoping I can get a little quicker with set up and take down by the next shoot.